First thing is that I'm going to explain the campaign, ___ Makes Life Better and then I will launch into the first part of the campaign,which is close to my heart. Writing is what makes my life better and that is how we will launch the new campaign.The way that this campaign is going to work is that it will be completely written. I have come up with a list of things that make life worth living and will post them here. Some of the things I do, some of them I would like to do and some I may start to do. They are not all activities, some are shows, others are hobbies. I also want to hear from you. What makes your life better? It can be anything. This campaign runs from today through November 30. You can message me on my Facebook page if you would like me to post one for you. These are based on opinions, not scientific fact.
This campaign was all inspired while I was in Mystic and I read a book Famous Last Words. When I read Vincent Van Gogh's, it inspired me to do this. He said that painting makes life bearable. I wanted something a bit more positive. Life should be more than just bearable. It should be fantastic, but with depression that is the most difficult thing for life to be.
So for me, the first thing that makes my life better is writing. Writing makes life better. I've been writing since I was in high school. When my first depression hit, I started writing poetry like mad. It helped get the impossible feelings of despair out of my head. Rory, my English teacher, said that I had talent as a poet. That made me start believing in my small talent as a writer. I get ideas for stories all the time and try to write them down. They are mostly just flashes, but they are there.
I've written plays, essays, poems. Now, I'm focusing on writing this blog and writing letters. I volunteer for for More Love Letters, where I leave letters of encouragement all over the place for someone to find to hopefully lift their day. I had a few years where I had writer's block because all the creativity was sucked out of me, most likely from academics and a low grade depression. However, I am writing now, which is all that matters.
There is power in the written word that transcends everything. Words have the power to lift and the power to destroy. They can paint a mental picture, transport you to a different world, make you fall in love and break your heart. Being able to do these things with a pen and paper or a keyboard makes my life fantastic.
Stay tuned for other things that make life worth living.