
A Million Lovers

I came across an article yesterday, which perfectly described how I feel.  The article is Can We Be Lovers and Not Have Sex?  I want affection.  I want love, but for the most part, not sure if it's the depression, the medication or a combination, but I do not want sex.  Coming out of depression or nothingness makes me crave affection.

I have stated before that I want an affectionate friend.  I want to link arms with someone, hold their hand and hold them until I can feel them.  I want to snuggle on the couch and make you laugh when I dance down the street.  I want to see that other person the way they see themselves and grow to be the best versions of ourselves with them.

I used to have that with him, but everyone thought that I was in love with him.  I had exactly what I wanted, a friend that I could tell anything to.  Maybe that is love, but I wasn't in love with him, but I cared very much for him and I still do.  I don't know if I'm more evolved or if I just have different views on expression.

I know that not everything ends. Not love.  Not always.  The world would be so much better with love and affection that can be expressed openly.  I do not want romantic love.  I just want love that can be shared openly and affectionately and that it won't be judged by others.  I want to love someone  truly, deeply and without judgement from anyone.


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